Our priority will always be to provide the safest care possible for patients & staff

Women aged 50 up to their 71st birthday that are registered at Park House Medical Centre will soon be invited for their routine mammogram.
Screening appointments will be held at:
Burney Breast Unit, St Helens Hospital, Marshalls Cross Road, St Helens, WA9 3DA
If you are over the age of 71 and are no longer routinely invited for screening, you can self-refer by contacting the Breast Screening Unit.
If you need advice or have any concerns with regards to this appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01925 275500, visit our website www.whsthkbss.nhs.uk or email whh.bsteam@nhs.net
Click here to download the Sick Note (MED3) Information for Patients
COVID Vaccinations can be booked by dialling 119 or by contacting the Practice.